Monday, June 09, 2014

Random Things

Random Things
~FIFA the evil empire: I love John Oliver and he pretty much tells the truth about FIFA. And, most Americans only know about FIFA from the video games, which people consider pretty good even though most people don't watch soccer. I hate organized sports, but I have zero interest in soccer (football).
~Christina Pascucci is “f'ing” hot: Okay, drunk guy, she is hot, but you're stating the obvious. I got a laugh out of her reaction to the “butt in” by the crazy drunk person. I love you, Google, because when I did a image search for Christina, and I got suggestions for Christina Hendricks. If you've read my blog long enough, you are aware that I am really into Christina Hendricks.
~Nicholas Cage has an Art Show: I had no idea bad shit and campy shit could be displayed as “art”. Any good will toward Nic Cage has turned into contempt. I want this to be as terrible and shitty as I see Nic Gage. I want there to be a random guy, on display, yelling “I am Caster Troy!” There should be a pair of flaming skulls on display for his two Ghost Rider movies. There needs to be some random National Treasure hidden around the area. And, let's have that bear suit from the Wicker Man and those bees.   

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