Monday, June 02, 2014

Brad Pitt Attacked by an idiot

Brad Pitt Attacked by an idiot
Real smart, dude.  You attacked the guy that started Fight Club.  
I am all for trolling and pranking people, when it is done right. But this Douche Bag is just a talentless ass-hat that is in it for the show value and not the art of pranking or trolling. By the way, I love that he got arrested and has a restraining order put on him by Brad.
I love Vent Harassment videos, but this is way beyond that sort of thing.
This is the same guy that tried kissing Will Smith.
This is also the same guy that stole Adam Levine's seat at a Grammy. Is that supposed to be funny?
This D-Bag really pissed me off when I learned he tried to get under America Ferrera's dress earlier. That's like trying go in for a boob or ass grab. You don't do that unless she gave you permission. And, the look of total shock says it all. How would you like it if someone planted their face in your lower regions?
From the Huffington Post, ((Ukranian TV station 1+1 fired Sediuk roughly three weeks ago, around the time he rushed Ferrera and hid under her voluminous dress at the premiere of "How to Train Your Dragon 2" at the Cannes Film Festival. The station's general director Oleksandr Tkachenko wouldn't disclose the exact reason for Sediuk's dismissal. ))
 That is a WTF face if I ever saw one. 

If you're going to bother people like this, why not go after someone like Justin Bieber.  I mean this guy deserves it.

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