Friday, May 16, 2014

Rihanna, that wasn't nice...

Rihanna, that wasn't nice...
Rihanna has shown her stupidity over the years by continuing to mess around with known woman beater Chris Brown. He beat the living shit out of her and she went right back with him. Now, she makes fun of her own fan by re-tweeting a trending series of photos. 
 This 16 teen year old foolishly wore the same dress style as Rih a number of years ago. Is the prom dress stupid? Yes. Should people make fun of the picture? Yes. However, the very person that wore the damn dress years ago has no room to talk or mock her own fan. You're not going to see me dress like my favorite artists. However, it is kind of an unwritten rule to not mock the people that buy your product.
Okay, okay, I did do a Google Search on Prom Bat and there are some amusing photos up, but take bench on this one, Rih. Let people like me make fun of stupid the one you wore years ago. And, for the teen that decided to wore the flying suit, you should have been aware it was a bad dress. I also have a problem with everyone calling this a cyber bullying case. It is not. Internet bullying is when people put out your personal info and track you down. This is just trolling and being a viral hit. We have to be careful about throwing that word around for minor things.  
It is also troubling that any girl would look up to a woman that was willing to get back with a man that nearly killed her in a fit of rage.  How is that being a good role model? 

 Okay, this one is kind of funny.  

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