Monday, May 12, 2014

Random Things

Random Things
 ~Agents of Shield: Did they have to kill the dog? Man, I hate seeing dogs die in movies and shows. Okay, it makes Ward look a little more interesting than just a bad guy. It seems to really bother him that he has to do these bad things. I am really liking where they're going with his character. I just hope they don't turn him into a good guy again. He can change, but make him an anti-hero. The turn they've made on the show has really made the show interesting and less of a monster of the week. 
~Casey Kasem in bad health?: I read a story about his daughter gaining conservator-ship over his health. So, the man I heard on TV's cartoon shows might not be long for this Earth. Allegedly, his wife has taken him into hiding in order to keep control of him. When a judge rules in favor of the children instead of the wife, something is gravely wrong. It is just creepy that no one knows where he's located at this moment. Looking at his wife, in the words of Kanye West, “Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke...” 
 ~Tyrion Lannister is still bad ass: It seems everyone has turned on Tyrion in the last episode of Game of Thrones. The expression on Peter Dinklage's face was priceless when he finally gave up. I've had that same look many times in my life and it was real. I loved that he turned to the crowd and told them how he really felt. These ungrateful pricks. 

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