Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pharrell's Happy will get you Iran

Pharrell's Happy will get you arrested...
You can't make people happy I guess. Yes, this video is really harmless. It is just some people dancing around to the Happy song. Yet, this pissed some people off and six people from this video got arrested.
From, ((According to CNN, Tehran Police Chief police chief Hossein Sajedinia ordered the arrests of the dancers over an "obscene video clip that offended the public morals and was released in cyberspace." Sajedinia said the "vulgar clip" had "hurt public chastity." ))
Let me be the first to tell you to f' off, Hossein. And, you're showing your age by calling the Internet “cyberspace”. Next, you'll be talking about a “series of tubes”. Have you been to X-hamster or YouPorn? Your head will explode, actually both heads.
Well, cooler heads released the people in the video. They had to make a public statement though. From The Wire, ((The six people in the video were featured on state television to apologize, and explained that they were just trying to express their love for Iran. ))
Also, something good did come from Twitter in the form of #FreeHappyIranians
I've also read reports that the director is still in jail.  

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