Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Honest Trailers: Attack of the Clones

Honest Trailers: Attack of the Clones
The love story stuff is really really bad. And, it is makes the movie far worst than it should be. It was as if Lucas wasn't even trying to make convincing lines and dialogue. Someone really should have taken Lucas to the side and said, “We need a script doctor on this dialogue, George.”
George is good in making compelling worlds, but human interaction is a complete mystery to him. He did reduce Jar-Jar's role.
I loved the last 40 minutes of this movie, but I had to sit through some bad love talk to get to it. We could have combined Episode I and II into one good 2 hour plus movie. By the way, I still have my 3D Attack of the Clones key chain and I still use it.  

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