Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Facebook Blues

Facebook Blues (blu)
The whole point is avoid these people. 
I signed into FB and there sitting on my main feed was something I didn't anticipate or want. A 9/11 conspiracy link to a story staring at me. One of my friends posted this on his feed thus having it show up on the main feed. I sighed and thought, really? You really believe this shit? While I won't cuss someone out for posting such garbage, it does amuse me that he posted it as if he's sharing the truth. I actually respect this guy a lot because he's worked with some famous people in Hollywood.  (I remember when he was a confused young guy.)
I would feel the same way if someone posted a “birther” post in their feed. I would hope people they consider themselves my friends would at least not fall into these cliche camps. I get pissed every time a conservative friend posts that Bill Cosby “I am sick and tired” link. Do just a little research before posting that shit. When I call them out for it not being connected to Bill Cosby, they either leave it up still or change it to a non-comment post (WTF?). (This actually happened)
I am all for posting info in your feeds, just not the Bill Cosby one or the 9/11 truth-er shit. I'd had a problem with someone posting, "Hamburgers make you gay" truth-er group.  Is that real? 
Post random stuff like this in your feed. Yes, I posted this in my feed.

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