Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Random Things

Random Things 
  ~Mrs. Doubtfire II: Really, Hollywood? I just not seeing too many people asking for a Doubtfire sequel or even a reboot or remake. I am still confused as to why people thought a Robocop cop reboot/remake was necessary. Mara Wilson, a person that's had some Internet fame recently, tweeted out some remarks about the notion of a sequel. I'm guessing she won't be asked back for the followup. I am with Mara that the movie ended where it needed to end. Comedies generally don't have too many good sequels. (Naked Gun 2 was pretty good).  Think about a Tommy Boy II.  It wouldn't work...actually they made Black Sheep that was but wasn't a sequel to TB.  And that wasn't as funny.  It was funny, but not laugh out loud funny like TB. 

  ~Prince is back with WB Records: I guess things change after 20 years. This was the feud with Prince writing slave on himself in order to get out of a contract with WB. I guess the entire music industry is suffering and old feuds are being patched up. I won't have signed Prince again if I were WB because he's very sue happy. They might find themselves in lawsuit. 
  ~Aaron Sorkin Apologizes for Newsroom to Journalists. The problem really isn't the way he portrays the news guys but the almost low opinion he has from the Internet Media that seems to overflow his scripts. He has a idealistic view of things and that's the way he writes his universes. I happen to like the second season a lot more than the first. There are less speeches and more drama in the second season.

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