Friday, April 04, 2014

Random Things

Random Things
~Sorry about that: I still have some problems with my computer due some strange popup issues. So, I've been working on that instead of working on the blog. It is getting a bit annoying because there is no appearance of the virus on any detection system and I am only seeing a few posts about it. BTW, it doesn't effect anything Google related.
~GI Joe on Community: I am still waiting for to see the GI Joe episode on Community via On Demand. They haven't posted it on NBC via cable yet. I can't wait because I am a huge GI Joe nut and started watching some of the second season online. I love Community and it is good to see the show doing well creatively. Is it enough to keep it on air? I don't know. I am aware that Hasbro worked with Community to make the episode, so that means some licensed material with show up in the show.

~Mozilla has lost its CEO: First off, how did he not think he could get away with it? Donating 1K to an anti-gay law seems a bit much. While he has the right to spend his money way he wants, people also have to the right to complain about it too. Given that he is the leading person for a company, his views could actually hurt the company because people won't support it. That's where the problem dwells.  

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