Sunday, April 06, 2014

Ensign Hoshi is in a commercial

Ensign Hoshi is in a commercial

I was watching a news video and this video came up. I watched it and noticed the actress looked familiar. Then it dawned on me. It was Linda Park from Star Trek Enterprise! I was like, “Holy crap, that's Hoshi Sato.” Linda is into theater of late, but it is good to see her on these ads too. I also like that she hasn't distanced herself from the Trek fandom as she seems to hang out with some of her former cast-mates.
I always found Linda Park more attractive than the blown up lips and big boobed Vulcan female lead. I liked Jolene Blalock especially in the last two seasons, but I just felt the tight catsuits didn't fit well with the Vulcan way. I always felt like it was the Network saying, “This is what guys find attractive!” And, wouldn't kick Blalock out of bed either...I am just saying.  You don't need to put a woman in a tight suit to make her sexy.  

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