Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kevin Bacon returns to Footloose

Damn You, Kevin Bacon, that was very entertaining
First off, I'd like to think NBC actually does have decrees written on old scrolls.
Second, Kevin Bacon is in good shape. He's still got it.
The bit is funnier when know the back story behind this bit. For many years, Kevin Bacon has tried to distance himself from Footloose. Whenever he sees a DJ, he slips the DJ 20 fins to “not” play Footloose. Turns out, this is true. It is good to see him give up fighting the pop cultural connection and take it all in...William Shatner style.
Come on, Kevin you've had some great years.
-You had a role in JFK: By the way, you almost always fall back to JFK when playing the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. JFK is chalk full of movie stars connected to Bacon.
-You were killed by the main enemy of the X-Men.
-He has an entire mathematical equation dedicated to him with the Six Degrees game. I am not making this up!
Here he is talking about the disconnection with the movie on Conan.
To take his side, I really hate the song.  Being forced to listen to that might just be my own private hell and his too.  However, sometimes you have to "give it up" for old school pop culture.  
By the way, you would have never seen this on Leno's version of the show.  
Side Note:  I just used a clip from Conan to reference a Tonight Show bit.  Now, that's strange.  

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