Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fox, and the penis picture...

Fox, and the penis picture...
Because I won't post full nudes on this blog, I won't embed the video. However, I will lead you to the link with a full NSFW warning. I'm not sure how you have a pic of Edward Scissorhands with a profile picture of a johnson in the same folder. That is a lot of range.  Take it from me, you keep your porn pics in a different folder than your normal pictures. 
 Didn't someone check the post before they went on air?
Here's the news' apology via mediabistro.com, ((“While reporting breaking news about the crash of the KOMO-TV helicopter in Seattle, Fox 31 Denver accidentally broadcast an offensive photo while scrolling live through a Twitter feed of pictures from the crash scene. The photo was mistakenly broadcast by our control room. It did not come from the tablet many viewers saw being used by one of our anchors. We apologize for the inadvertent broadcast of the image and we are taking immediate steps to prevent such an accident from happening again. ” ))

Yes, Fox is trying to remove all videos of the incident, but there are a few still around.
By the way, I love the quick reactions from the women and that one guy to the left.  

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