Friday, March 14, 2014

Bad Johnson Trailer

Bad Johnson Trailer
What in the hell?  Someone actually came up with this concept and put it to film.  So, a man’s penis leaves his body and becomes a human being.  The penis then goes around having sex with women and causing mayhem.  I guess that's what penises would do if they became human.
Yes, this movie is real.  It is like a concept a group of drunk guys would come up with and then made it happen.  
Yes, I played the penis in the film Bad Johnson.
 You know what?  I actually am interested in seeing it...sort of.
What type of conversations would I have with my little Semaj?  “Dude, you ain’t getting no play, player.  What is this a solo act?” 
Now, is there a female version of this movie? 

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