Thursday, January 02, 2014

Kathy Griffin: Making fun of the space church

Kathy Griffin: Making fun of the space church
I want to hate Kathy, but damn she keeps saying things I laugh and agree with. She rips into Kirstie Alley and Scientology. Xenu, bless Kathy. At this point, Kirstie pretty much has given up on a normal reality.  
Can't Kirstie buy a new I-Phone considering she has some money?  Can't the church loan her a damn phone? 
Alley been in the news a lot lately due to her attacks against Remini.
Oh, and I love that I did a YouTube search on “Scientology” and a pro-Scientology ad popped up on a Remini video! 
 Yes, this was what she looked like.  Damn...

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