Sunday, December 08, 2013

VGX: Joel McHale, God Bless you

VGX: Joel McHale, God Bless you
So, this passes as entertainment in video game awards? I love that Joel didn't give a total f' and just took the piss out of the entire thing. Given his interviews about things like Chevy Chase, he clearly has the same attitude as he does when discussing Chase. McHale and the other host are clearly not getting along. 
 Spike still doesn't get it. So, they changed the shitty VGAs into the VGX because putting an X or a Z behind something makes it “extreme”. What does VGX mean? Nothing from what I can tell. What is this the 90s again? Instead of being the Oscars of VG, VGAs were more like the MTV Movie Awards, except shittier.
It seemed like the awards show was more like a cheaper version of G4 TV than anything else, and clearly McHale didn't want to be there. And, I did some digging and discovered that the other host is nicknamed Doritos Pope because he shills for Doritos and Mountain Dew. 
 Anyway, check out the very funny rundown from Gaming Blend (Cinema Blend).
Does McHale even play video games? When I think of video games, I don't think the star from community. Why not someone like Seth Green? He knows a thing or two about VG. And, you guys couldn't at least hired some of the guys from G4 to show you how to produce a show given you stole their sets?
They've tried these type of award shows for VG since the 90s, and they never work ...ever.
Gamers should demand better than this shit.


  1. The BAFTAs have gaming awards. I think that should be the award, that for lack of a better alternative, is THE award in the industry.

  2. very cool categories and winners in there. We'll see if there are improvements in VGX next year.
