Monday, November 18, 2013

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

 ~Boardwalk Empire: Man, this season has been outstanding. I love the direction the show has taken the Chalky White character. The character is front and center this season. Valentin Narcisse (Jeffrey Wright) is an excellent villain. A very young J. Edgar Hoover plays a side role in the season too. I like how Hoover really isn't focused on stomping out organized crime, but he's more into anti-US movements instead. This is right up there with the real Hoover. 
 ~Jennifer Lawrence Vs. Joan Rivers: Okay, I've had about enough of Miss Rivers and of opinions. She really seems to have it out for women that don't fit her terms of “beauty”. She of all people shouldn't talk about people's looks considering she looks laughable and un-human-like. I've come to really like Jennifer Lawrence and her stances on things. 
~FF7 music: I am listening to FF7's music as I write this post. Ah, the fond memories. I have to complain about one thing though. The music is a bit too midi for a modern game (of its time). FFT had a better sounding use of midi and live voices than FF7. And, then there's FF8 and Xenogears

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