Sunday, October 06, 2013

Aurora Snow pens a letter to her unborn son...

Aurora Snow pens a letter to her son...
Aurora Snow has always been my favorite pornstar for years now. I remember reading about her retirement, but I hadn't heard about her pregnancy. This is a bit of a shock. I watched her go from Barely Legal to MiLF over her career. I've seen her go from blond to red/brunette. It is a little freaky to know that you've watched her mature in the business. Heck, she's been a in few legit movies as well such as Superbad.
After 12 years, she hanging it up.
I've always liked her attitude and she has every right to have a child, but writing a letter your unborn child might be considered a little strange. Again, she is a very good writer and could find her way with being a writer.  I'd let nature take its course first and then consider talking to your child about the business.  
She's always had a smart brain in that cute head.  
I have no idea how a child will react to finding out his mother was in “The Gangbang Girl” series at least twice. There is going to be a point when he does find out, so I guess she feels this letter will help soften the blow.  

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