Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pissed Nerd vs. Gamestop employee

Pissed Nerd vs. Gamestop employee
Both of these people are annoying. This happened within the GTA5 release. Everyone in this video is very annoying, and it is one of the reasons I don't play social games online. Gamers are worst than this guy. I do like the nerd rage and the passive aggressive employee in the video. It is a good combo for a delightful fight. 
The other problem is Gamestop is the only game store in town, so you have to deal with their crappy customer service.


  1. See, I want to see how the exchange got to that point.

  2. And she's fired:

  3. Holy smokes that was fast. They got rid of her with the quickness.

  4. From I gather it was the photo id that go them both in a huff. Reading that post you sent, GS found out who she was via a twitter post. Holy crap.

    But, she should have made that comment about his personal info. I think that's what did her in.

    I remember a GS employee telling a guy to get out of his store because he asked about battletoads and I don't think he lost his job.
