Sunday, September 08, 2013

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Go Daddy=Van Damage

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Go Daddy=Van Damage
Van Damn, this is a great ad. I love that Van Damme has magical powers to play multiple instruments in one song. I also like that he can hang above like Spider-man. I mean the man plays the damn flute with flames coming out of it. (And, it is not the skin flute either)
 I'd hire Van Damme to help me work faster.  He's not only a partner to Rodman, but he's a damn Time Cop too!
By the way, this ad is way better than that one with the nerd and hot chick kissing. 
 I'd take Mr. Street Fighter over those two any day. BTW, does the ad above remind you of this one?

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