Friday, August 02, 2013

Day Above Ground: Asian Girlz

Day Above Ground: Asian Girlz

Firstly, I am offended that they had to put a “z” behind the damn Girl name. Are we back in the 90s again?  And, look, I love the Asian Ladies, always have, but I’d never say the things this band says in their song.  It will get me slapped and more than likely arrested.
Anyway, let's look at the music video in question, before it gets taken down.
Why does this group look like a rejected early 2000s pop rock band?  Have we jumped into a time warp when this shit considered popular?  Ugly tattoos and sand-blasted hair?  I almost wanted to her them cover, "Come my lady, you're my butterfly" or "I just want to fly".  
-First off, these guys look like the biggest d-bags ever. I've never heard of this group or this song.  But they all seem like bros to me. 
-So “The Asian” girl keeps little white people in a birdcage (human cage or Nic Cage?).  Are all white people tiny like this in this universe? I am confused.  What do they do when she's not there?  Play their music and practice?  
-Did one of these band guys swim up her…?  Yes, he did. 
-Did you really need to add the “turning Japanese” theme in the song? Holy, crap.
-“I love your sticky rice / buttfucking all night.”: Okay, this line totally confuses me. First, you're talking about her “sticky rice” (huh?), and then you jump to anal sex right off the bat. So, she makes rice for you and then it is to the butt loving right after? And, why all night?  Are you Lionel Richie?  What does this line mean?
-”Korean barbecue, Bitch I love you” : Yes, first randomly talking about food and then jumping into proclaiming my love is the right way of doing it. And, calling her a Bitch doesn't help your cause.  That's like saying, "Honey, you're a good driver but a shitty person overall."  
-I love your creamy yellow thighs, Ooh you’re slanted eyes ”: Wow, I can't even form the words to express my shock. To make it worst, they motioned toward their eyes when they said it.  Why stop there, Day Above Ground?  
-It’s the Year of the Dragon, Ninja pussy I’m stabbin’ ”: Which lyric is worst?
Now, what about the rather attractive tattoo chick in the music video that is Asian? She has reversed her position, so to speak, and came out on twitter. Levy Tran, the Vietnamese model had some things to say about, considering she could very well become the new Uncle Tom.
From her Twitter page, ((I sincerely apologize to all who feels that I set Asian women back 50 yrs. I know I lost respect from a lot of ppl. It wasn't my intention. It was meant to be light hearted and fun. Satirical. They are sweet boys and not at all racist. That is all I will say. I'm sorry once again))
There is a big difference between being lighthearted and fun and making some strange unfunny stereotypes.  I think Miss Tran might just have some trouble find work after this video, but she’ll bounce back. 
On the other hand, I think the Dave Above Ground guys are eating this attention up.  I don’t think anyone has ever heard of this group before this incident, and the fact they are keeping this video up proves it.  With all the negative blowback, they’re adding another 15 minutes of fame.  They have no talent, but they’re getting the press and YouTube counts.  So, the joke is on us.  
  There are moments that are downright racist and creepy, but I am confused too. 

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