Friday, July 19, 2013

Two guys go to a rally with offensive shirts at a Trayvon Martin rally

Two guys go to a rally with offensive shirts at a Trayvon Martin rally
Hat tip to Bryon Crawford. This video really pisses me off. These two blimps clearly had a loaded agenda. They were going to come to this Trayvon rally and try to get people to attack them. They in turn would show this to racists and promote that black people don't have restrain. It is race baiting at its finest. It is like when that girl carved that B on her cheek.  
Look at the camera the guy is holding. While I get the smaller fat guy is wearing the n-word shirt, but the other one doesn't make much sense. “I will not fix your F'ing computer.” What does that mean in the context of racist stuff?
The crowd didn't attack these guys and left them without an incident, which is what they wanted. Plus, the rally people called the cops instead.
Honestly, what were the two blimps expecting to happen when they came onto the scene? They would gotten their asses kicked and, a lot of people would end up in jail or killed. None of this happened. This goes back to what I wrote before about not confronting people that are baiting you or are unstable. You turn the other cheek or get someone with authority to calm the situation.

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