Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sony Trolls Microsoft (Used Games)

Sony Trolls Microsoft (Used Games)

Okay, Sony has officially trolled Xbox with this short video. People are still not sure how the damn rented/used games are going to work on the Xbox One and Sony just knocked it out of the park with this short trolling video. Having Kingdom Hearts 3 and a 100 cheaper price doesn't hurt either. 
And, there is no Always On mode, meaning that you can take your PS4 anywhere.  I still think the gaming market will be split down the middle like the current market, because causal gamers will still flock to Xbox One, but Sony is in a better position today.     
You better believe that Sony considered putting in software that blocked used games, but they saw the negative feedback Microsoft received.  And, they probably dropped the price due to Microsoft's announcement of their price.  
They were trolling earlier with a few Tweets about DRM.  

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