Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ren and Stimpy: That weird episode I always talk about...

Ren and Stimpy: That weird episode I always talk about...
 It is an episode about the pair going into a haunted house and confronting a ghost. The ending is one of the most strangest, random things I've ever seen.
Yes, they give the ghost a drink of poison and he dies. His body fades and he comes back as naked fat black man. Naked man then gets into a car and drives off with their car. WTF? So, most ghost will turn into naked black men when poisoned?
The other thing worth noting is the bloody head fairy scene was cut of certain rebroadcasts of this episode, which seems strange because it wasn't all that bad. Who thinks of a Bloody Head Fairy?
This episode was also a rejected Tiny Toons episode that was never fully animated. You can check out the storyboards here. They added the naked black man. 

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