Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bicycle Stolen (Part 2 of 2)

So, here I was standing there dumbfounded, but not too surprised. Since I am a glass half empty guy, I always expect the worst outcomes in life. So, I wasn't that shocked. I was more angry than shocked. I put a lot of time into the bike.
I went back inside and notified the security guard. The other security guard I talked to before I went outside came back and he was shocked. “Really? Crap.” We went outside and checked where my bike was. He called the university police. I had to wait for University PD to show up.
Now, the first thing to come to my mind was this: That's a long walk from U of L to River Front Park. On bicycle, it takes about 20-30 minutes.
So, the police officer showed up to the library. Keep in mind that I've never had to file a police report before. So, all of this was completely new to me. I generally avoid people on the street that I believe will try to rob me or attack me. I've never had to file a police report before.
The police officer was very nice and took down my report. He was nice guy and he looked like your cool uncle. He told me that I'd probably never seen my bike again, and even I knew that.
He then looked at me and asked, “Where are you parked?”
“I'm on River Road over in the Riverfront Park,” I answered. I knew I had a long walk to my car.
“Give me a minute and I'll give you a ride to your car,” the officer stated.
After I used the bathroom, and went outside to his squad car. I had to get in the back of the police car...the perp seat. I was a little giddy because I've been in the back of a police car. When I got into the back of the police car, I noted that these cars aren't made for tall people. Check this off my bucket list I guess.
I felt like saying, “This is the cleanest and nicest police car I've ever been in in my life,” from Beverly Hills Cop. It was clean, but my knees and feet were killing me.
So, this is what being arrested looks like,” I thought. Under different circumstances, this might truly be unappealing. I hope I never see a backseat of a cop car again despite the fact the cop was very nice by giving me a ride to my car. However, I want to make sure I never end up in that car for arresting purposes.
While getting that bike stolen it hit me pretty hard, I got back up and bought another bicycle. They can't hold me down too long. 

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