Monday, May 20, 2013

Scientology Pulls a Photoshop mishap “boner”

Scientology Pulls a Photoshop mishap “boner”
First, using trees as a way to block protesters is a freaking funny. Then using Photoshop to fake more people is even funnier. Then again, this is the same group that believes in DC8 spaceships dumping aliens into lava. You can't make 400 (actual number?) to 2,000 without better skills. It is like they're living in a different reality from the rest of us, by trying to control their image too closely.
 Heck, I shocked they even got 400 for this event anyway.
Maybe, if they photoshopped more people for the audience of Battlefield Earth, they could have made the movie a hit.

Now, there is another story about Scientology...

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