Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Random Things

Random Things
~I've been reading the spoilers from Star Trek Into Darkness: I've been impressed with some of the lore they've incorporated into the reboot/alt-time line. I really like the DS9 connection. I am someone that has no problem reading or hearing spoilers. I really don't see why people get upset with being spoiled. Maybe it is because I am sort of detached due to being a writer.
~Wolverine done in 70s style: It is looking like X-Men: Days of Future Past is shaping up to be a nice movie. I guess Wolverine will show up in this movie plus his own movie. I am really looking forward to these two movies in the X-Men universe.
~About that Brave Princess makeover: I can see why people are a little upset over the makeover. Hollywood has been skinny-ing up women for a long time. Didn't they slim-down J-Lo's butt for a poster in one of her movies? I didn't bother watching Brave. I also didn't know that one director was fired before bringing in a new one. You can actually see a bit of Brenda Chapman in the design of Merida. The kicker is Chapman left Pixar and went to Lucasfilms and now that has come under the Disney banner too. Crap.
~Crazy or dumb? Woman gets arrested on a plane for singing badly. You have to give her credit for singing after getting handcuffed.  

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