Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Kid in Kentucky kills his sister with his own gun.

Kid in Kentucky kills his sister with his own gun.
I live in KY, but I live in Louisville, which is set off to side when it comes to KY. But, the rest of KY is very different. I believe people have the right to defend themselves with firearms, what I don't like is the gun culture surrounding gun ownership. From the Washington Post, ((In a horrific accident Tuesday that shocked a rural area far removed from the national debate over gun control, the boy had killed his 2-year-old sister, Caroline, with a single shot to the chest. ))
I am all for people owning guns, it's a given right, but this shit is crazy. Children have no sense of how deadly a gun can be and shouldn't be handling a gun of any kind until they’re much older. This kid just killed his younger sister, and now two lives are ruined because of a stupid mistake by the parents. since when is a child responsible enough to hold a gun?
And it gets worst. From the Washington Post, ((In this case, the rifle was made by a company that sells guns specifically for children — “My first rifle” is the slogan — in colors ranging from plain brown to hot pink to orange to royal blue to multi-color swirls. ))
This is so disturbing that I am truly shocked by this. 
Comes in the same colors as your iPhone covers. 
  The gun he used was a gift and not just any gift. It was a gun designed for younger people. I don't have kids, but I much rather have them receive books as a gift than a freaking gun aimed toward them. People are up in arms with violent videogames and shows being shown to kids, but a gun made to look like a trapper keeper is okay. What is wrong with people?
Also type in “Crickett Gun” into Google and see the results. Little girls holding rifles...
I know there is always the argument “Don't judge me or tell me how to take care of my kids.” But, can we agree that this is wrong at least?
The five year old got a gun as a gift! Five years old. Are you shitting me? I think you have to blame the parents on this one. This is outrageous.  We don't let 5 year old kids drive cars or buy beer do we?  Why is this okay? 
 And remember guns don't kill people.  Lack of blood does...and death. 

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