Monday, May 06, 2013

Antoine Dodson: Is no longer gay? WTF?

Antoine Dodson: Is no longer gay? WTF?
Ah, 2010. Man, that seems a like a long time Internet age.
Anyway, this is the reason stupid people don't need to put in the spotlight. This is the problem with news companies. They always tried to interview the most ignorant and loud people they can get a hold of on the street.
Antoine Dodson is now showing his ass with this new statement. From Daily, ((He's Kevin Antoine Dodson, a one-timeYouTube star who's now apparently renouncing his sexuality and coming out as, that's right, a "True Chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah. ))
Okay, Dodson. It should be noted that one can't simply renounce their sexuality despite what people on the far religious right say. Going to anti-gay camps and other means of conversion aren't likely to help. You are what you are. Some people are Bi, gay or straight.
Sexuality:  It is like fighting one of the strongest drives we have other than our drive to survive.  You can't wave a magical spell over it and be done with it.  
I also find it amusing that most stereotyped gay man is trying to “go straight”. That's going to be a long and hard road ahead of you, Dodson. (pun intended)
((I have to renounce myself, I'm no longer into homosexuality I want a wife and family, I want to multiply and raise and love my family that I create. I could care less about the fame and fortune, I've giving all that up to know the true history of the bible.  ))
I want to see a time when someone is converted to a religion and does not make a big deal of it. Not everyone cares when someone either 'comes out' or 'finds religion'. I find they're both on the scale of “hey look at me!”   Okay, you found God.  Keep it to yourself next time.  
Yeah, good luck with finding that history of the bible. Does this mean we will never see you again in anything? Please say it is so.
(( For I am the True Chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah. And as True Israel I know that there are certain things we just can't do. And I totally understand that now. I don't need a Mercedes Benz, I don't need a big house in Beverly Hills all I need is the Most High and my family (Israel). ))
Okay, you lost me with all the other stuff, but I only caught the Mercedes Benz remark. So, does that mean you're switching to a Nova or Neon instead? Are you giving up cars altogether? Are we going to see you rolling around on a horse just like the old days? Explain, Dodson, explain.
Hide your cars, hide your vans.  
(( I have been awaken by the great and so should you. Let's be delivered from the wickedness of the world and live the way we should. The Most High bless all and have a beautiful evening. Israel wake up and take full power of who you are. I'm ready are you? ))
Crap, again I am at a loss. So was this a statement about him leaving behind homosexuality or sermon? Is he talking directly to me?  Are you looking at me as I type this blog, Dodson.  (Semaj looks over his shoulder...)
Like I stated before, I just hope this means we will never see him again in an Internet video or interview again. His 15 minutes were up a long time ago.

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