Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Microsoft,you're doing it wrong. (Twitter Rant Gone Wrong)

After rumors of the new XBOX going Online Always, guy working for Microsoft decided to come to the defense of his company by sending out rather amusingly funny mean tweets.
The guy in question is Adam Orth and he's become sort of a meme because of it.
From the Daily Dot, ((Orth took to Twitter yesterday to dismiss anyone who complained about the rumors that the next generation of Microsoft’s Xbox gaming console might be an "always-on" device, meaning that it will require a constant Internet connection to work, even if you’re not playing online. ))
Here's the thing, Microsoft has had this attitude a lot of the years, clearly not as much as EA, but they've made statements like this before. It seems the dick-ness seems to be enhanced by the Twitter format.
After some stupid exchanges with mad fans, he left this Obama meme in response.

And, we now have another person working for a big company acting like a total ass on twitter. Best part of the story is that Orth has now become a meme called Always Online Adam Orth. And, Microsoft had to make a statement because of his douche baggy-ness. Also, Daily Dot says that Orth has made his Twitter account private. Real smooth, Orth.
When are people going to learn that Twitter isn't your friend? I feel kind of bad he left his job, but you really need to step away from tweeting, guys. 

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