Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Michael Jordon Partying like he's 20

Michael Jordon Partying like he's 20
I am not here to judge. After getting a divorce, go ahead and get your freak on, MJ. But, after all these stories of MJ cheating on his wife and extensive gambling, it might not be a good idea to make him a role model again, Nike.
It is kind of interesting to see my childhood and teenage heroes turn out to be flawed assholes, like Hulk Hogan is one of the worst people on the planet (in my opinion). And, yeah, Hogan is far worst than Jordan. 
Then again, MJ kind of hurt his image by trying to come back to the B-Ball game after retiring.  
Are these girls even old enough to even know who Michael Jordan is?  
Hot Drunk Girl:  "Weren't you in that Kazam Movie with that chunky kid?" 
Jordan:  "No, that was Mr. Shaq-Fu.  I was in something even worst...Space Jam." 
Hot Drunk Girl 2:  "You're old enough to be my father." 

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