Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Aubrey Plaza storms onto stage and pulls a Kanye West and fails

Aubrey Plaza storms onto stage and pulls a Kanye West
Miss Plaza, I love you, but you look pretty silly here. Her reaction afterward sort of proves that it wasn't a staged stunt. I love the expression on her face after she made an ass of herself. It was a “Wow, did I just do that?” expression.
Give me the Mother-Father Popcorn, Will!
Then again, maybe it was made up. But her reaction during and afterward seems real to me.
I will note this; Why would any want to steal a MTV award anyway? Maybe she thought she could actually eat the golden popcorn? Is MTV's security so bad that they can't stop a Kanye West or a drunk chick from strolling on stage?  Where are the snipers with the dart guns?  
God bless you Kanye West. 

I love that she just gives up and sheepishly walks away...defeated.  Check out Will's body language   


  1. Yeah, but think about how many pictures of her with the name of her new movie written across her chest have now appeared on the internet. It was a clever marketing move on her part.

  2. You're probably right about that. I don't think Will was in on the stunt and she probably just did all this all on her own in order to promote her movie.

    However, that shot of that expression is interesting though
