Wednesday, March 13, 2013

YouTube Comment Spamming Robots?

YouTube Comment Spamming Robots?
Yep, you're supposed to take this song as being legit. It's bad, but with over 900 “likes”. Something doesn't add up here.  BTW, why is this guy trying to be Lil Wayne?  
While digging through The Daily Dot's story on a “self-made” pop star, I read through the reddit story that talked about the allegedly huge use of Spambots on his music videos. Given the “quality” of his songs, there was no way he was getting that many positive comments and votes.
I've notice that there are a few comment-er guys that have the same exact “Likes” in each channel. Check it out.
I mean it is like they're not even trying to hide the fact these are robots. I also like the fact that the sing has continued to let these spammers comment on his work after the uproar from the people on Reddit. Someone also noted that most of spammers listed Pakistan as their country...nearly every single one of them.
Why would you even bother paying for “likes and comments”?  

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