Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thoughts on Soda and Palin: Soda on Palin?

Thoughts on Soda and Palin
I generally don't get into politics, but...

This is probably one of the dumbest photos I've seen in a long time.
At first, I was like “That doesn't look like Sarah Palin”. My second thought was “she looks really goofy with that Big Gulp”. And, yes that Soda ban in New York is a stupid idea and we don't need our governments acting like mothers. We need to teach people to drink and eat in portions instead of large amounts, but forcing the government get involved isn't answer. Mainly, because the government usually screws these things up. We can agree America is getting fatter, but education is the key, and not more laws on the books. A smarter and well informed population can make better decisions than clamping them on from above with laws.  
What I don't like is conservative jumping on this bandwagon. Side note: If Palin is what the right has to offer, they're in more trouble than I thought. And Palin is one of the reasons the left and right can't work together anymore. I have many right-leaning views, but they're so pig-headed that the left seems more reasonable. And, I love the fact that Obama has become more “center-right”, but they're not even willing to work with him.

You better believe she didn't come up with this soda gag.  And, it only annoys me every time she pulls one of these visual stunts.  Do you remember the blacked out McCain hat?  

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