Sunday, March 10, 2013

Justin Bieber grows some balls?: nope

 Justin Bieber grows some balls?
The wheels are starting to come off the Bieber train. Everyday there are more and more stories of this guy losing it. We're starting to see the end of this guy. Too much money and too much fame and very little talent will destroy you. However, this time around, I have side with Bieber. He had every right to lash out. (I can't believe I am defending Justin.)
1 Butt-hurt Paparazzi:Uh, clearly Justin just brushed up against you trying to get in the van. It looks like you were looking for a reaction from him and you got it. Paparazzi set these type of things up all the time.  They something demeaning and this is the reaction they want.  
2 “Back to America”: Wrong country, bro. He's from Canada. It would be nice if the bloody Paparazzi got their facts straight. I don't think any country wants to claim him now, so call him country-less.
3 We all know that Justin couldn't beat anyone up let alone a fat paparazzi guy. This guy would have kicked his ass.   

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