Tuesday, February 26, 2013

UPN Promo way back in 1994

UPN Promo way back in 1994
I actually remember this promo being played on TV, and I was pumped with this upcoming network. Too bad most of the network turned out to be really bad. While the ad does talk about the past with all the Paramount shows, but then it insults them all with “Been there, done that. Time for something new.” Really? You're going to throw shows from your archives in the trash for new programming, programming that was mostly shit on UPN?
“Forget the past, think fast.” F' you.  I hate the way this ad sort of shoves the other programming away for something "new".  With the exception of Voyager, all of the other shows in the promo were gone by the new season.  
Then, to add insult to injury they add in a hip young guy in a trendy suit (with attitude) telling us about UPN. And, you have 90s rock music blaring out the ad.

Does anyone remember Richard Grieco's  Marker? 

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