Sunday, February 24, 2013

The very first movie ever created?

The very first movie ever created
Taken from KKD1247, ((Here is a short video production I've done especially for YouTube members. It shows the first experimental movie that Thomas Edison made in 1889.))
Think of this clip as the very first YouTube video.   Edison made this “video” back in 1889.  I am currently studying this stuff for a midterm and I wanted to share it with the blog, because I find it amazing this was made back in 1889.  Now, there seems to be some disagreement as to if this was the first motion picture.  
 From cutefunnybunny111 ((The first motion picture was Roundhay Garden Scene in 1888 by Louis Le Prince. Sorry, but you're wrong.))
Now, we take film for granted because everything has a camera on it.  (Heck, I have a laptop with a webcam that I never use.)  This changed the way we viewed the world.  We could visit places and things we could have never imagine. 
Sometimes we have to look back to realize how far we’ve come. 
-Videogames and Online video
-Broadcasting videos from other planets
-Countless cable channels combined with sounds and music
Besides those achievements, we have videos of drunken guys lighting their own farts…on second thought…I take back everything I just typed…crap.

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