Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Stickam shutting down. Wait, what?

Stickam shutting down. Wait, what?
Since 2005, this streaming site was an interesting, if strange, place to go. Stickam was a heaven for emo and bro kids everywhere. I got an e-mail a few days ago from Stickam saying that they're closing their site down completely at end of the month. Check out the site currently.
From my e-mail, ((We are very sad to announce that Stickam has closed down, effective February 1.  The site will remain active until February 28, so that you can login and download any of your live recordings or other media you wish to save.  ))
Wait, did anyone see this coming?
From the e-mail, ((Again, the site will remain alive here until February 28, 2013.  We encourage you to log in and download any of your live recordings or other media you wish to save.

We are incredibly grateful to all the Stickam members and viewers, to all the bands and artists, the radio stations and the shows, and the deer. Thank you for making this a wonderful place for seven years.  Thank you all.  We will miss you!
Some say Stickam was loosing money due to other sites like YouTube and U-stream. And, I can see that. Yet, there is very little reaction from the Internet overall with the closing. U-Stream and YT seems to connect with old demos while SK aimed itself to the younger “hip” crowds. Did they Myspace themselves of Internet? Heck, even MySpace is technically still around.
Anyway, thanks for the videos of emo chicks bouncing on beach balls and creepy old shirtless men.  Good or bad, it was a part of our Internet culture.  

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