Friday, February 08, 2013

Random Things

Random Things
~George HW Bush got his e-mail hacked:  Uh, why even bother hacking this old fart’s e-mail?  You’re just going to get random photos of his favorite sofa or a bag of chips.  I guess you get e-mails from his doctor telling him to buy more Ensure.  The man is in really bad shape, can we leave him alone?  
~Doing an advertising project:  At school, we have a semester long project where we have to work with a real company in the local area.  We will set up a marketing campaign for TV Print and Radio.  While I hate working in groups, I have to say I am really enjoying working on advertising things, despite the fact I am leaning toward the other side of Comm (writing).  But, I love the creative side of this as I have a lot of ideas.  So what is the brand we’re selling?  Well, I can’t say yet, but it is furthest from what you think. 

Full Baked: Baked like potato 
~ Penelope Soto:  You may be stupid for flipping off a judge, but you’re cute in my book.  Maybe we can get together and start flipping off public officials together?  Soto was high on Xanax when she threw up the “half peace sign”.  She later apologized for her nonverbal communication.  I love that she is “tripping balls”.   She compares herself to Rick Ross.  WTF?  Okay, she might be fun in bed, but she is probably a mess outside there.  

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