Saturday, February 09, 2013

Me Likey Broke Girls: You're Fired

Me Likey Broke Girls: You're Fired
You have to love the fact that so many people have been fired for strange tweets. When are people going to believe me when I say Twitter is evil? This might be the first time Two Broke Girls also had a hand in firing someone though.  Maybe he can guest star in an episode...  
From The Huff Post, ((Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) gave spokesman Phil Hardy the axe this week, after Hardy mistakenly posted an awkward tweet to the congressman's account during the Super Bowl. ))
Something tells me Phil had a little bit too much to drink during the big game. He watched this ad below and got a littler Twitter-horny.
I kind of liked it too, Phil. I see your point, but at least make sure you're tweeting it on your own account and not your f'ing boss's twitter.  (By the way, Kat Dennings is looking very hot these days.)
The best part is it was only on the account for 14 seconds before being deleted. The Congressman probably should have given him a slap in the wrist and that's it. Firing him is a bit extreme, because it wasn't offensive to say the least.  Total overreaction, give Phil his job back.  

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