Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scott Brown: Bqhatevwr

 Scott Brown: Bqhatevwr
Did Scott Brown just created one of the fastest Meme? With comments like “Whatever and Bqhatevwr “, you have my vote. I've said before that Twitter is just a place to publicly make a complete ass of yourself. (Note Chris Brown) and shouldn't really be explored. Twitter is a place build on self-righteous folks and trolls. Somewhere, Mr. Brown fits in those two groups.
Now, it may seem strange for a Senator to use such foolish kid language but he was a male model earlier in his life. It should be noted that Brown is one of the few GOP guys to come out for a ban on assault weapons, so he isn't that bad.
So, I looked up his amazing word “Bqhatevwr” on Google. There is an entire blog devoted to his new word.
Did our forefathers envision a time when former Senators could interact with people while making an ass of themselves in the process? We truly live in a golden age.
And, remember to never to feed the trolls.  
   George Washington:  "#Denzel Washington, are you the guy that invented the peanut?  WYUETYGDGH" 

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