Friday, January 04, 2013

KDOC fails in the New Year

"Houston, we have a problem." 
KDOC gives a whole new meaning to “train wreck”
What the hell happened? Who directed this mess?
Macy Gray, Bone Thugs N' Harmony Shannon Elizabeth and Jamie Kennedy, it is like the 90s came back and bit us all in the ass. Were these the people that couldn't get invited to the cooler parties?
~Jamie Kennedy: Your first and biggest mistake was bringing in hack Jamie Kennedy. The guy made Son of the Mask. That in itself should keep you away from hiring him. I did like his stupid default expression. At least we know where they've been keeping JK. They have him locked up in the KDOC studios and wheel him out whenever they need him like a prop.
~Burger interruption?: I am sorry, but you don't interrupt Shannon in mid-sentence. It is freaking annoying bec----...
~Copyright claim: I guess feeling the Butt Hurt, KDOC put a copyright claim on the guy that uploaded it. They felt embarrassed, when they should own up to it.
~Macy Gray: Where has she been? There was a time when she was really popular, and I don't know why. She sounds terrible in the clip.  It really is kind of sad that she's been reduced to this.  And, I think humanity has forgotten about her collectively.  
~Picking the two least attractive woman and putting stage wasn't funny, Jamie.  Oh, and the one on the right is the woman that picked a fight with dude on stage at the end of the video.  
~Worst crowd ever...Did they just pick some random people from a mall to show up?
~Watch the woman read the teleprompter that the guy was reading and mouthed every word.
And, thank you to Patton Oswalt  for bringing this train wreck to light.

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