Saturday, January 26, 2013

Godzilla vs. Charles Barkley

Godzilla vs. Charles Barkley
Today, I present to you Barkley vs. the King of All monsters.  WTF?
Charles Knows Monsters!  Actually, the ad isn’t that stupid.  Nike, which makes some interesting ads, really put a lot of money into this thing.  I only have three problems with the ad.  One, it is too short.  Let’s see more fighting between the two.  Two, the actual costume design for Godzilla looks wrong to me.  It seems a bit off.  Three, the cheap ADR at the end is bad. 
Hey, it is better than Shaq-fu. 

-ILM produced this ad. 
-Japanese release originally:  The ad was supposed to be for the Japanese audience only, but Nike loved it so much they released it here in the US. 

Other notes
-This happened back in 92.  It seems so long ago. 
-There was a comic book about this “fight” between Barkley and Zilla.  Check out a very young Linkara review it below.
-How many people did Barkley kill with elbowing Godzilla into a large building? 
-Does Barkley have mutant powers such as growing the size of buildings?  

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