Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ghetto-acting Woman Vs. Hipster

Ghetto-acting Woman Vs. Hipster
I am not sure who I can side with in this video. Okay, the hipster smart ass was annoying, but the loud angry black woman is in the wrong. The hipster dude never touched her and never said anything offensive. The right to do is buy your shit and just leave the store, but she wanted to get her last word in and attack him.
Side note: I had a confrontation at a gas station where I had to deal with a stupid store clerk. Instead of yelling at him for four minute, I just left mad, but not in court over some bull crap.
I think he should press charges. And, please tell she doesn't have any kids.
-The Hipster did cut in front of her trying to get Black and Whites.
-How many Muffins?: This woman ended up getting a whole bunch of muffins just because she wanted to wanted to piss off the hipster. She ended up buying more stuff than usual.
-Coolest Store Clerk ever: This guy didn't give two shits about the situation. He seems to ignore the whole and even calmly tells the peppered sprayed hipster to wash his eyes. But he shows little emotion.
-She sprays him and he stumbles and falls to the floor. It sounds like he hit a display on the way down.
-The best part is that the hipster gets up, still holding his wallet, and tries to still pay for his stuff.
-“I did get enough muffins.”
-She sings, “Signed sealed delivered”. Yes, she sings a Stevie Wonder song while walking out the door. 

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