Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Twin Peaks: Some Thoughts

 Twin Peaks
What a strange show. After listening to a podcast about this strange show, I had to watch the show on Netflicks. It is probably a show ahead of its time, due to the strange things that go on in the town. Some of them are related to the arc of the show and some aren't.
I gotta say the show has my attention because the show isn't just strange. It actually gets more and more strange as the show progresses. I've come to like this show a lot, despite some of the silly stuff.
-Who killed Laura Palmer?: I already know, because I read spoilers for it. But, the show hasn't revealed that plot point yet. I still like where it is going though. I know the show wasn't supposed to really solve the murder, but I like the story.
-Super Human Powers: It is hinted that perhaps one character might have super powers. She bends metal. She also wears an eye-patch and is crazy about inventing things that no one cares about. What is the point of this character?
-Ghosts?: So far, there are hints that there are ghosts in Twin Peaks.
-Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me: I vaguely remember watching this years ago without seeing the show. This is a prequel to the show.
-Stuck in the 60s: I love how the show seems to be stuck in the early 60s, despite the fact it is set during the 90s. Most of the high school kids look much older and from sitcoms from that 60s era.  
-Dancing Dwarf from a different universe?  WTF

-Cool theme song, bro. 
-Red Room Scene
Red Room Scene: I can see where Silent Hill got their creepiness from.
The reverse/normal speech is very creepy.
Why is the little guy shivering?    

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