Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sega VR: We are VR!

Sega VR
I discovered an old Sega Magazine (1993) that had a full two-page story on a product I've never heard of before. The magazine mention all the “amazing” features within the VR hardware. They even made announcement of four games for the system add-on for the Genesis. Sega VR was another attempt to extend the life of the Sega Genesis. The dream of VR was never to be for Sega.
I thought it was amusing that Sega had another product that failed to catch fire even out the gate. The reason I say this is because it was never released outside the prototype. Some people claimed the system actually caused headaches. If it isn't Dubstep, causing headaches aren't the best ways to win your consumers.
The best part about the Sega VR is that it made you look like Geordi from TNG, but other than that it looked silly.
From Sega ((Dubbed the Sega VR, the project consisted of a complex IDEO headset which would allow the gamer almost total immersion in the game they were playing. Its dual LCD screens were accompanied by stereo headphones and the entire unit rested on a comfortable headband that would fit the shape of the user's head. An adjustable elastomeric band which ran lengthwise over the head helped minimize its weight and reduce strain. ))
And, it should be noted that Sega had their idea for VR way before the sheer shitty Virtual Boy. For a while, everyone was on this VR kick.
I found this promotional video to be amusing.
-Nice loud shirt, presenter.
-“It's like you got a movie living in your head”: Yeah, it is just like that, sure.
-Fake acting: I love the fake act-playing from the “actors”.
- “It makes me feel like anything is possible”: Except releasing the system.  

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