Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oliver Stone is at it again

Oliver Stone is at it again
 I watched his Untold History of the United States (one episode). It was an episode about the US and USSR relations post WWII. In the episode, Stone bent over backwards to make the communist seem like good guys. Uh, Stalin is no hero, Stone.
While nicely produced, Stone seems to can't get out of his far-left leaning stance even when telling history. I do tend to lean left on many issues, but I've always felt that Stone leans too far left to even be entertaining anymore. People forget that his Wall Street 2 movie is so wrapped up in it preaching that it doesn’t even bother telling a cohesive story. The movie literally gives up telling a story and starts hand slapping us for the economic collapse that happened a few years ago. I actually agree with Stone's view of Wall Street in his movie, but at least make the movie interesting and not so boring.
Let's not forget the mess that was the movie “W”. It misses the complete point by simply rushing the movie into the theaters. There is a huge difference between the way he directed JFK and “W”.
This was a great director that has fallen into bitterness and extreme political views in the same way that certain people behave on the right. To be fair, he has openly defended himself from some of the few negative attacks he has received over his show.

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