Monday, December 17, 2012

Homeland Season Finale thoughts

Homeland Season Finale thoughts
 There will be spoilers.
I wasn't really digging the first half of this episode and thought it was rather boring. I really liked how the season progressed given that they completely changed gears from the first half of the season. I didn't see that coming with the big reveal that Brody changes sides, to a certain degree.
-Well, the bombing wasn't a complete shock, but damn that scene with the burned and hollowed out building shot was haunting. We get to see the true damage the bomb caused. There is an oh shit moment when you know there aren't going to be too many people coming out alive in that explosion.
-Speaking of the bomb, they pretty much wipe out half of the cast with this bomb. That means most of those plot threads are now gone. That's ballsy move.
-Mandy Patinkin as Saul Berenson: Mandy has a lot range in this episode. He goes from being pissed to fatherly to heartbroken in one episode. Mandy is great in this episode.  "You're the smartest and the dumbest fucking person I've ever known".
While the show took a few missteps this season, mainly everything dealing with Brody's daughter, the show took a lot of chances. The show shifted gears mid-season and never looked back. In many ways, it follows a similar pattern to 24 each season. But, that ending is disturbing and haunting at the same time, and I liked the way they ended the show this season. 
"Can you hear me now?  Good."

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