First off, I make it
a point not to wear new and cool shoes. Hell, I super glue my old
work boots whenever they start to fall apart. However, I usually
gave the Michael Jordan shoes a nod because they always came up with
interesting designs that looked sleek. Love the designs, but hated
the price tags.
Stealth shoes? Really, Nike?
Now, that has
changed. The new Nike Jordans look really horrid. They call them
the XX8s.
I mean what were
they thinking? Are these new shoes wearing a coat? Are they cold?
Doing some digging,
I discovered
that the zipper thingy/coat is a shroud. I am sorry, but the
“shroud” makes the shoe look like a woman's designer shoe instead
of a damn sports shoe. At least we pretended like the shoes were for
sporting events instead of out of shape rappers and pot smokers, but
this is hovering over to the “trendy” side of things.
Basically, the shoes
now have condoms on them. Or at least it looks like a peeled banana.
Is Nike so out of
touch that no one even considered these shoes were a bad idea?
Someone HAD to have tried to stop them from making these things. I know the unwashed masses will buy them anyway because they plastered MJ over them, but still.
Anyway, I am happy
to report I
am not the only one that thinks these are some ugly shoes.
Buzz, ((IT
DOESN'T MATTER. The new XX8s look like something Robin Hood would
wear to a funeral. Tom Brady should promote these. They're the
ugliest sneakers I've ever seen. They look like they're made of
lycra, and the little shiny patches above and around the sole, which
are they only things that even qualify them as sneakers when the
stupid hood is zipped up, are weird scabs that look dumb.
From ((The
logo on the side looks like it's screenprinted, and probably will
make the shoe look cheap after 3 to 4 uses. Okay, I know I'm really
railing on this shoe, but for $250, I'm expecting quality, darn it!
For 250, those shoes
better make me a better dancer too.
Oh, wow the shoes look fab-u-lous!
Let me sum up all this techno-babble for you: Bullshit.
I think it's awesome that everyone hated these shoes in 2012 because I bought a pair and put them in the closet still in the box. Since sales were so low now they are rare and I've received offers up to $750 for them. For now I'm hanging onto them though, I'll pass them down to my son. Maybe he'll be able to sell them and buy a car 😂