Friday, December 28, 2012

Ah, PlayStation 2

Ah,  PlayStation 2

Well, Sony finally pulled the plug on one of the best consoles of my generation.
From MTV, ((After nearly 13 years, 150 million sold, and who knows how many gamers hooked worldwide, Sony Japan is set to end shipment on the incredibly long-lived PS2. ))
I can't even count how many hours I played on that damn thing with all the RPGs and MGS games, not including the PS1 games you could play on the system too. I also played a lot of DVDs on that bad boy too.
While they've only stopped shipping PS2s in Japan, it is only matter of time when they stop shipping here in North America. Heck, I need to replay some of these games.
Here are some of my favorites
Dark Cloud II: You played it as a RPG, but you could make your own towns too.
Final Fantasy X: I loved how pretty this game was at the time and the first game with voice acting too. I can't even count how many hours I spent on it. It also had a somber ending to it.
GTA Series: Never really was a fan of the old games before PS2, but the open world feel really got to me. I love this series because it felt like a mob movie.
Metal Gear Solid II: It turned out to be something completely different.
Metal Gear Solid III: Somehow, they were able to improve on the series by setting it in the jungle. You got to eat and capture things. The story was amazing too. In some ways, it was better than part 2.
Final Fantasy XI: My first true online game, I played this game so much that I pretty much didn't do anything else with my life. I was really hooked on this game badly. I loved and hated this game at the same time. I hated it for forcing you to always seek out parties and group missions, but the huge fantasy world was great and wonderful.
Tekken Tag: Love the fast action.
Space Channel 5 Part 2: You get to play along Michael Jackson for an extended period of time. Enough said.
SSX and SSX Tricky: I was never a sports guy or even a sports videogame fan, but I was willing to play these games. They were totally kickass with a nice techno/hip hop score. I still remember playing Untracked on SSX.
There are more, but I just don't have to time to list them now.



  1. I think my favorite games of the system (off the top of my head) are:

    Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari
    MGS Snake Eater
    Ace Combat 5 and Zero
    God Hand
    Warship Gunner 2
    Tekken 5
    Urban Chaos: Riot Response
    Red Dead Revolver
    Persona 3

  2. Snake Eater might just be at the top of my list. Man, I love that game. I really need to look at some Tekken 5 videos. I've heard a lot of good things about that game.

    Red Dead Revolver was good too. It felt like a Dead Wood game.

    Persona is another one too I need to check out.

    There needs to be an top RPG PS2 list too. I've played so many good ones from that era.
