Monday, November 12, 2012

Uh, is this real?

I saw this ad picture on some friends Facebook Page and it caught my to speak. There is so much implied. I as liberal as it comes toward sex and the porn business. How, please tell me this is just some jerkoff photo-shopping this.
Yes, it is clearly implying that the woman with no pants is giving a BJ to the said guy with the Nike shoes. Or she forgot her pants and was looking for her car keys in his underwear. Oh, and she at least had to good sense to wear a good pair of shoes...and underwear.
As I said before, selling the notion of sex with clothing seems a bit counter to me. Remember those American Apparel ads with the pornstars?

 Look I like seeing pornstars going mainstream is fine (Probably using stream isn't a good word for it)
  And, yes I know the names of both of these fine upstanding women too.  

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